Posted by: mikenicholsblog | August 8, 2023

unexplainable, yet undeniable

When was the last time you had one of those “aha” moments with God? I had one a few Saturdays ago. For full context, the moment occurred at the end of a frustrating technology problem. In preparing to travel, I needed to print something, and the printer said “offline.” About an hour and a half and two conversations with nice men from the Philippines later, yes, I could print. What a relief!

Fast forward a few days, and you guessed it … the printer is offline again. Are there ever lessons in patience you don’t particularly want to learn? For me, staring at a computer screen watching someone manipulate my computer and printer fits the bill. But I was visiting with a nice person from the Philippines again, so the hour of inactivity and patience building was tolerable. And then…

At the end of my time watching Mel from the Philippines work on my computer and explain some of the process she was using, something unexplainable happened. When asked to test the printer, I ventured to the basement. The first page I saw was the next day’s song sheet from church. Upon returning from the basement for what seemed like the 100th time in several days (can you feel my lack of patience bleeding out), I heard a sweet expressive voice singing “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know.” Mel, who was logged into my computer saw the song sheet and began to sing with joy. I was stunned and asked about her faith. She told me she was saved and shared her story. She shared that she felt her life was not as close to Christ as earlier on her faith journey. Now what do I do?

We talked, prayed together and I was able to give her some resource material on the internet (it was easy since she was logged into my computer). She ended the conversation with words that made me certain she felt that moment was from God. And to think, I was frustrated by having my very important day interrupted!!

The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
Proverbs 20:24 (NLT)

I am so good at quoting the verse above. But on the days when technology interrupts my schedule, I long to be self-directed! What about you? What challenges your patience when there could be a need or God-authored opportunity staring you in the face (my computer screen)? Interruptions are a common theme for all of us. But opportunities to love, care and minister are often imbedded in interruptions.

A friend just shared with me recently that a large portion of Jesus’ miracles were performed when He was interrupted. Jesus was the Master of patience and living in the moment. For us, believing that the Lord directs our steps is meaningful. But it takes intentional focus to live this way.

I would love to meet Mel in heaven and say thanks for the blessing and teaching me! Who are your Mel’s?



  1. Michael,
    Thank you so much for your message this morning on patience. So good to have you back writing again. It was almost like having you sitting across from us at our kitchen table visiting with us.
    Have a great day and praying God gives you a long life.😊

  2. Thanks brother for the incredible reminder of God’s grace ……in so many ways
    And for being a great example of discipleship!
    May God bless you constantly for your faith and encouragement to the point where you continue to consider it unexplainable, yet undeniable!!

  3. Good to hear from you Mike! Very uplifting message!

    Sent from my iPad


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  4. Thanks Mike. I needed the reminder. Seems in “retirement” I’m constantly faced with “interruptions .” Unfortunately I don’t always see them as God’s appointments! How often you doing these? This is first I’ve seen in a while.

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