Posted by: mikenicholsblog | June 5, 2016

a reminder

Last night had an interesting turn for me while taking in a movie with a Christian theme. It was a film my wife and I had discussed seeing. Sometimes I naturally view movies like Miracles from Heaven with a skeptical eye. Does the movie line up with Scripture or does it play on emotion to the extent that Biblical truth is compromised? Those are just a couple of my natural biases against some Christian-themed films. And although this article is not about the Scriptural/Theological content of the movie, it was a true story that reminded me again that when the great Physician steps in, the world has to take notice. Miracles happen, and God in His sovereignty knows just when He wants to accomplish one. I must admit that after sitting through “Miracles from Heaven” (and crying a lot), I left encouraged about the power of our Great miracle-working God.

One thing I expect we all struggle with is, we do not control the miracles.  We also cannot answer the question of why one person is healed, while another is not. But we can trust God to guide us through life whether in pain or difficulty or in the exhilaration of seeing His power to change a life with salvation or a miraculous healing. All Christ-followers have a wonderful opportunity, as adopted children of the heavenly Father, to live in the truth that our Father works everything for our good, and does miracles for us … as needed! For just a moment, take a journey with me to a Civil War story that conveys the love of a father and the rights of his child. The words come from the book Approaching God, by Steve Brown.

A young soldier had lost his father and two brothers during the war. He asked a captain if he could return home to help with the harvest. It was stated that a release like that had to come from a higher power. With youthful confidence, the young man journeyed to Washington seeking permission from, none other than, Abraham Lincoln. After the soldier was stopped by an army guard at the White House steps and given a stern lecture, the dialogue continued:

“Son,” said the guard, “don’t you know that there is a war on? This is not time to leave. Lots of us have lost those we loved and many face hardship. You are a soldier. Go back to your unit and serve your mother and your country by fighting for freedom.”

The young man was devastated. He turned and walked away. He was walking through the streets of Washington when a little boy saw him, noticed the depression on his face, and asked if he could help. The young man need to tell someone, so he told the little boy the story.

“Sir,” said the little boy, “I think I can help.” With that the little boy took the soldier’s hand and proceeded back to the White House, past the guard, up the steps, and directly to the Oval office of the President. They walked into the office without knocking and Lincoln, working at his desk, looked up and said, “Yes, Tad, what can I do for you?”

Of all the people on the streets of Washington, the soldier found the President’s son. Would you call that encounter a miracle?!

In Christ, every believer has access directly to the throne of our Father. Yet somehow, we don’t really expect that the God who hung the world in space and redeemed us through His Son, just might be willing to do a miracle in our lives. After all, He knows exactly what we need. We shouldn’t live with eyes looking for God to do the miracles we imagine, but we should go to our Father with every burden, knowing that He may choose to do a miracle (big or small). After all, He IS GOD!

Miracles from Heaven was a reminder that God is in charge! I hope this article can have the same effect on your journey today. He knows your needs! Go to your Father with every burden.


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